My Choreography


Fall Semester of 2013 I choreographed "Satisfied" which was chosen to perform in Breaking Bounds: Student Dance Concert at Southern Utah University. This piece was then chosen to travel and perform to the 2014 American College Dance Festival. 

Synopsis: "Satisfied" is inspired by the quote "Open your eyes. Are you satisfied with the life you are living?" -Bob Marley. This piece explores the struggle of making decisions in life. Are you doing what you really want? Or are you doing what other people want you to do? Throughout the piece there is a struggle of choosing which direction to go. The dancer finds her way to the end of the piece where she breaks out of her struggle, and looking out at the audience asks them, "Are you satisfied?"

What's Inside

Fall semester 2012 I choreographed "What's Inside" which was chosen to perform in Boundless Journeys: Student and Faculty Dance Concert. 

Synopsis: "What's Inside" is inspired by the struggle of breaking out of a conforming society. When a person is put into a new situation and he/she feels empty and alone, they may feel that they need to conform to the ways of the society and the pressures of peers around them. However, a person can always look back to his/her routes and find the strength of what is inside to carry and help him/her to become a confident and strong individual.